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Program organization units (POU)General
Program organization units in all 5 IEC 61131-3 languages can be created with the module program organization units:
Poe's can be created of the type of PROGRAM, FUNCTION , and FUNCTION_BLOCK . All data types of the IEC 61131-3 are supported (also 64-bit types, such as LREAL and LINT). Variable declarationIn all languages is the variable declaration in the same way using a table editor with syntax-coloring Context-sensitive help (direct) for data types, POUs, etc. about F1, undo/redo functionality, etc.
Text editorTextual languages is entered with a text editor with syntax coloring Context-sensitive help (direct) for data types, POUs, etc. about F1 undo/redo functionality, etc.
Graphics editorGraphical languages is entered via a fully graphical editor with various options such as zoom, multi-level undo/redo, etc. Context-sensitive help (direct) for data types, POUs, etc. about F1 undo/redo functionality, etc. LibrariesAll standard functions and the IEC 61131-3 standard function blocks are implemented. There are many more extensive libraries with functions and function
blocks are available in addition to the standard functions defined in
the standard and standard function blocks. The following groups are included:
External code is accessible via a DLL interface. This code can be created E.g. in C, C++, Visual Basic or Delphi.
Tools for troubleshooting (debugging)Following the troubleshooting tools are available:
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